Brahmic numerals represented 1, 2, and 3 with as many lines. 4 was simplified by joining its four lines into a cross that looks like the modern plus sign. The Shunga would add a horizontal line on top of the digit, and the Kshatrapa and Pallava evolved the digit to a point where the speed of writing was a secondary concern. The Arabs 4 still had the early concept of the cross, but for the sake。
畫家王寧的這幅泰山日出作品《紫氣東來》,以虛實相映的筆墨,描繪了霧靄蒼茫、雲繞山峰的泰山景色。 畫面以幾顆蒼松翠柏進入視野,把泰山的綠色、潔淨、悠然表現出來。
子女 - 中文(简体)–英语词典翻译——剑桥词典
挑選自然光燈泡原則2:需要的燈光亮度. 一般來說自然光為4000K、演色性80以上為最佳,但燈光亮度則有所不同。以閱讀、確認皮膚狀態的書房、化妝間來說需選擇流明(Im)較高的自然光;而需要放鬆、休憩的臥室、餐廳等,則可選擇流明較低的自然光或黃光。
臉頰白毛 - 男士髮型後面 -